Although you might have excitement when beginning a diet and the changes it might bring about, there is also immediate FOMO involved: “fear of missing out.” The struggle is real. In ONE-TWO PUNCH nothing is removed or cut out. You’re making a choice about WHICH protein and WHICH carbohydrate. That fist of protein can be a lovely piece of grilled salmon and the fist of carb can be brown-rice pilaf. Or, the protein fist can be two sausage links and the carb fist a cupcake.  I like to say there’s no wagon to fall off of when practicing ONE-TWO PUNCH. There are just different choices. When eating within the suggestions of OTP, there’s no guilt and no shame. You solved your physical hunger and ate what sounded good. So now let’s move on.  When you eat something appealing, you are sensually satisfied as well. This means it was pleasurable in addition to fulfilling a physical need. I can solve ANYONE’s physical hunger with a piece of boiled meat and a stale piece of bread. But that person will still be sensually hungry because they didn’t have something enjoyable and satisfying to their soul and brain.13-14  For this to work, in … Continue reading FOMO